Tuesday, April 11, 2017

6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Business

Selling a business is never an easy or simple process. However, the rewards can be great, and ultimately, life-changing, so if you do decide to sell there are six key things you need to be aware of that will help you prepare and maximize your chances of success. Getting it wrong before you start can ruin any hopes of a sale and can mean many months of your time wasted.

While I specialize in the sale of online businesses and refer to those as examples, these points still apply to business sales whether offline or online. Experienced buyers will see straight through you and the business you are selling and will quickly pass over your offering if they see any red flags.

Monday, April 10, 2017

9 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Business Broker

You have two main options available when you decide it is time to sell your business. You can try to sell it on your own, or you can retain the services of a business broker to handle the details of the transaction. While it is possible to sell a business on your own, most business owners simply don’t have the time, contacts or objectivity to negotiate a safe and fair deal.

Using a third-party professional is often the best option, but only if you hire the right broker that properly represents your best interests. Hiring the wrong broker can be the difference between not selling at all and selling for a price you are satisfied with. Here are nine questions you need to ask prior to hiring a business broker: